Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A tooth!

I noticed yesterday that Audrey finally has a tooth that broke through. The funny thing is, it's not the one on bottom that has been threatening since her birthday - it's one of the ones on top! Well, at least she's no longer my toothless wonder.

This is the post that I wrote when Conner got his first:

Monday, September 13, 2004
Conner has a tooth! It popped through Friday (at least, that's when I noticed it!) and the one next to it is just below the surface. They're his bottom two. He hasn't been too grumpy, so they're either not hurting too much or he's just a tough guy. We put away his baby toys this weekend - the swing (our savior!), his bouncy seat... so sad!

Notice the date? Conner would have been almost 7 months.... and Aud is 15 months. Crazy.

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