Saturday, August 30, 2008

Audrey is a mess!

Audrey is turning into the type of kid who could use a bath every hour... if there's dirt to find, she'll find it! I'm amazed at how easily she turns into a huge mess. Conner was the complete opposite at this age - if he got a speck of dirt on his hand, it had to be wiped off. Aud, however, goes straight to the mud/puddles/dirt and then runs her dirty hands through her hair. Lovely.

We had some lasagna-type stuff for dinner the other night, and she's refusing to let anyone help her now with eating. Not only that, but she wants a fork or spoon to eat with (and often will only take an adult one - those plastic kids' forks just don't make her happy!). So it doesn't take very long for her to become covered in food (she's eating a lot of meals topless right now). These are from Wednesday:

She's saying "cheese"... something new she's saying when she sees a camera.

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