Monday, February 16, 2009

Conner's party

Ahhh... the sounds of silence are ringing so sweetly right now. Well, ok, not silence because we have the TV on, but it's nice not to hear fighting or crying or screaming (like there was about an hour ago!). I think some kiddos got really worn out this weekend and have some sleep to catch up on. On that note, it's amazing how strong Audrey is, especially when you're trying to get a diaper and pj's on her and it's the last thing that she wants!

So yesterday we had 8 of Conner's friends over to the house for his Power Ranger birthday party. I think it went pretty well - we had Power Ranger decorations, games, cake, and goodie bags and I tried my hardest to keep the boys occupied.

It was a little tough because 7 of them come over every Thursday night for our small group meetings and basically run around playing, but we dealt with it. I had a Power Ranger craft (a little picture frame they glued together), then we played Hot Potato (ok, not Power Rangers, but they sure enjoyed it!) and Pin the Shield on the Power Ranger. Then we did the cake and presents, and miraculously it was just about time for everyone to go home! The only issue we had (aside from some little-boy fighting) was that I couldn't find the candles that Conner and I bought on Saturday night for his cake. I ended up putting a 3 and 2 on top (because we all know that 3 + 2 = 5!). It looked like he was turning 32, but that was our best option at that point. Conner didn't care either way, as long as he had candles to blow out.

Mom and Dad stayed over and went home this afternoon - it was nice that they were here, especially because I made a doctor's appointment for this afternoon so I could get some anitbiotics for this crazy sinus thing I've got going on. With a busy week coming up I didn't want it to get worse and then not have time to go at all!

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