Sunday, September 12, 2010

School's in!

We've all started back to school (yes, it's been a few weeks) and our schedule has picked up accordingly.  Although I love that Conner's playing soccer, I'm ready for it to be over to open up a few evenings a week (and there are several weekends when he has 2 games!).

Conner's had a great three weeks.  He really enjoys his teacher, Mr. Chandler, and is having a good time at school.  At least, that's what I think is happening.  He doesn't really tell us much about school.  Luckily, Mr. Chandler is really good about e-mailing and says that Conner's doing great academically and "he and I are working on knowing the best time to talk to his friends, and when to listen."  Surprise, surprise.  There are several boys in his class that he knows from soccer/baseball/last year, so I wasn't very optimistic about his behavior from the beginning.  But he's reading great and we're keeping up with the homework that's been sent home.

Audrey's finished up her first two weeks of preschool and she loooooves it.  She gets really excited about going to school every day - especially the bus ride, I think!  She's learned several of the kids' names in her class (I have a feeling she knows more but doesn't want to try and remember them by the time she gets home) and seems to be playing the most with a girl named Charlee.  By far her favorite activity is going outside to play on the playground and sliding on the "fast slide".  The bus situation has worked out great - it picks her up at Shannan's and then drops her off there afterwards.  They grab lunch then Aud crashes for a nap.  The best thing is that she's still tired enough to go to bed at a decent hour!

We were going to go to Oxford yesterday to tailgate with some friends and then (possibly) go to the Miami football game, but the weather was gray and cloudy and looked a little iffy.  It was a good thing that we didn't end up going because Conner ended up with a 103 degree temperature and ended up doing a lot of lying around the house.  He was fine after taking some medicine and just woke up with a slight (100.3) fever today.  After one dose this morning the temperature never came back.  It sounds silly, but after having perfect attendance last year I would hate for him to miss a day of school this early!  Not that I'll send him when he's sick; I just don't want to mess it up this early.

Aud's wearing panties to bed tonight!  She's been dry for weeks, but with my luck it won't hold out for this one night.  Poor Conner was a little upset about it; he doesn't understand how people can stay dry at night.  He just sleeps so soundly that he doesn't wake up and said tonight that he'll probably be wearing a pull-up forever.  Poor kid.

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