Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A neato thing happened today. . .

I know the focus of this blog is the kids (hence the name of it!) but a cool thing happened at school today. I'm part of a program called PLP (which stands for Powerful Learning Practices) that is focused on integrating Web 2.0 tools (like blogs, wikis, etc) into the school environment. There's a website that we're expected to post and read on a regular basis. A current conversation is called "Are You Googled Well?" and is asking about the results when you google yourself (search for results on the web under your name). So I googled myself.

There were a bunch of results ranging from my summer softball schedule (as the coach I was listed) to my school webpage for the kids to check notes and such. There was also an entry that started like this:
"To speak some more about wikis, I found that Kristen Fouss produced a nice mathematical wiki. The introductory page specifies that this wiki, a collection ... "

I was like, what? So I clicked on the link. It took me to a blog (here) that was describing the wiki that I had my classes make last year! It's so amazing to me that not only are people visiting that wiki, but they actually think it's something to reference! That just made my day. :)

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