Monday, November 10, 2008

The reason

Audrey had another bad night last night. Every time I tried to put her in bed, she screamed. Wanted no part of it. She stayed up with me and Eric until about 11 (we were arranging the new furniture in the living room!). Around 2:00 she woke up crying, so we spent the rest of the night/morning in the spare bed.

I took her to the doctor after school, though Angela said she acted fine all day. The diagnosis? An ear infection. Now we have a reason for the goofy behavior and some medicine to fix it! Yay! She's actually in bed right now and hasn't screamed once. In fact, I think she's sleeping.

We had Conner's teacher conference tonight (it was a family affair!). It sounds like he's doing great, though he couldn't identify A, D, or V, and didn't know what a rectangle looked like (that really stumped us!). Miss O. is very happy with where he's at and said he should be able to identify some short words by the end of the year. Conner already knows "Stop" (although the red octagon might have something to do with it!), but it was nice to hear that he's doing well.

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